Personalize your event to boost your brand

Ever wanted to give your digital photo albums a unique touch, one that boldly represents you or your brand? With Albumono, you can! Our innovative watermarking and branding features let you infuse your personal or business identity into every image you share. No more worries about image theft or uncredited sharing, just pure, undiluted brand recognition.

No credit card required

Style everything you want

Change colors, sizes and fonts. Add banners to make the event yours.
Add banners

Add banners

The banner is visual in every page of your event



Display you own logo in the navigation bar



Adjust button colors to match your brand and taste



Enhance uploads effortlessly with automatic watermark. Adjust the size, pattern, and opacity to your liking for a personalized touch on every new upload.

400,000+ moments snapped and shared

Create your event with Albumono and boost your brand

Frequently Asked Questions